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Keeping Your Home Warm

Saving & Keeping Your House Warm

Keeping Your Home Warm

 Saving & Keeping Your House Warm : Best of Both Worlds!

Winter in Denver can be a roller coaster. We can go from bright and sunny to a foot of snow on the ground in no time! As a result, it can wreak havoc on your furnace system and make keeping your home warm a challenge. We have some tips to help keep your home warm while saving you money.


Programmable Thermostats

Most recent home builds, like many here in Denver, have thermostats that are programmable. Many of those come with a variety of functions, but common ones are awake and away modes. Take a few minutes to learn how to program your thermostat so that when you are home it can be 68 degrees. Then, when at work or sleeping, the thermostat can be programmed to be lower. In fact, lowering your home’s temperate 10 degrees for 8 hours a day when you are away, can save you 5 to 15 percent a year on your heating bills.


Seal the Leaks and Cover the Windows

Want to save about $350? Then you will want to find leaks around your windows and seal them up with some caulk. Leaks around windows is the number one avenue for heat to escape your home. Sealing your windows is very easy to do and only takes a few minutes per window. To save even more money and keep warm, especially if you have older windows, is also covering them with heavy-duty plastic. This plastic is specially made for winterizing and can be found at any hardware store.


Fireplace Dampener

We know that on cold nights the fireplace can be your friend. But, it is also among the biggest culprits when it comes to loss of heat in your home as many people forget to close the dampener. So, when you don’t have a fire going, make sure the dampener is closed up and tight.

Take advantage of the sun

We live in Denver. So, that means we have over 300 days of sun a year! So, take advantage of it. On sunny days, open the shades and curtains on your southern and western facing windows. Let the light come in and that will help create additional warmth in your home while giving your furnace a break.  Be sure to keep the doors from those rooms open so that the warmth can better circulate throughout your home.


How to use this information

We want everyone to enjoy their home to the fullest extent. And, sometimes that is simply staying warm and saving money. Another way to enjoy your home can be with a new kitchen or bath. If you are considering a remodel, visit our full-service kitchen and bath showroom. Our exclusive Visualize Planning System and In-House Design Specialist will bring your vision to life. Get started today or call 303-347-1345.


What are some tips you have to keep your home warm in the winter?

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